Apr 25, 2011 | Politics
Interstate 5 (I-5, as it’s more commonly known) could quite possibly be the most important interstate on the west coast. The freeway links Baja California with British Columbia; seriously, it cuts all the way through the United States.
Considering how the majority of goods are still transported by trucks, you might think that any bridge that’s a part of this interstate would be extremely high-tech, and that the replacement of said bridge would be expedited quickly and efficiently.
Welcome to Portland, where what’s quite possibly one of the most important commercial bridges in the world crosses the waterborne border of two states: Oregon and Washington. Let the problems begin!
Mar 14, 2011 | Politics
Oregon state tries to embrace energy-saving, green-energy alternatives in almost everything it does. From new buildings that recycle human poop to offering individuals discounts for energy-efficient cars and appliances.
Now, with projected costs for the subsidies to reach $290 million this year, the legislature’s looking at the long, hard road in front of it – do they cut the subsidies that are hurting the state budget at a time when other areas need help, or do they continue subsidizing this up-and-coming industry in hopes that the green industry brings much-needed jobs to our beleaguered state?
Mar 3, 2011 | Politics
Let’s get serious for a moment – education should be a top priority in the U.S.
Education is the only way we’re going to inspire future generations of forward-thinkers who can help regain/maintain the U.S.’s competitive edge in terms of innovation and prevent Idiocracy from coming true.
Unfortunately, the education system in the U.S. has developed a bad reputation over the years with a lot of in-fighting with sides not understanding each other.
Feb 25, 2011 | Politics
Okay, we must admit – seeing U.S. Representative David Wu dressed in a tiger costume threw us back a little, but it also made us think; wouldn’t the world be a little better if all of Congress wore its crazy on the outside?
Feb 24, 2011 | Politics
There are a lot of issues affecting Portland these days – rising unemployment, an overcrowded I-5 bridge, gang crime and smelly coworkers. Fortunately, the city council has gotten together to solve at least one of these issues – the new fragrance-free policy will grant council employees a reprieve from their colleague, Big Bertha, who wore enough of Paris Hilton’s “Just Me” to suffocate several elephants.