Sep 14, 2017 | City
Just when you think Portland has squeezed all the weird out of it that it possibly can, the City of Portland partners with a local rapper known for his love of cats to make a music video for a phone app that allows Portland’s drivers to pay for parking on their smartphone.
Aug 20, 2017 | Events
2017 marks the 20th anniversary of the Portland Adult Soap Box Derby. Each year, a group of adult Portlanders make their way to the hills of Mount Tabor, Portland’s own volcano, with intricate, hand-built soapbox cars to tear down the side of the volcano in an epic race of insanity and near-death craziness much to the great amusement of the huge crowds that assemble there.
It’s a ton of fun, but how did it get started and why?
Aug 17, 2017 | Politics
Given the amount of rain Portland sees each year (average rainfall is 36.69 inches), you’d be forgiven in thinking that the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) would have a plan in place for when more solid stuff falls from the skies (think: snow).
For years, ODOT refused to use salt to clear roads in any circumstance, pointing to potential damage to the environment as the reason to avoid putting down the slippery-reducing substance (despite the environmental damage inevitably caused from dozens of car accidents leaking oil, transmission fluid, gasoline, and a number of other chemicals).
The catastrophes resulting from little to no snow removal have nearly made Portland a national punchline for its residents’ inability to handle the winter weather. Just check out this YouTube video made of some of the insane driving from the Great Snowstorm of 2007.
Well, that’s now changed. Sort of.
May 28, 2014 | Business
Portlanders love green energy. We really do. We even opt in to pay a premium to use wind energy to power our homes instead of fossil fuels, nuclear or hydroelectric solutions. So, imagine this – what if we replaced every sidewalk, road and playground with solar panels?
Oh, and this isn’t a dream – this sh*t is happening right now and YOU can be a part of it (but only for a limited time).
Jun 28, 2011 | Politics
Bicyclists are legally required to come to a complete stop at stop signs. Skateboarders are not permitted outside of skate parks within Portland’s city limits. Oregon drivers are not allowed to use their cellphones while driving. Laws that aren’t enforced aren’t laws, they’re just suggestions.