Sep 17, 2017 | Events
Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure in Portland is an institution, an annual race where the participants primp out in pink to show their support of research for the cure to breast cancer.
In 2017, the race could get a little bitchy – but in a good way – as our canine friends have been invited to join the cause!
Sep 16, 2017 | Business
It’s a sneak-er attack! Under Armour and Adidas are bringing the shoe battle to Nike’s home turf – Portland (well, Beaverton) with UA opening an “innovation hub” and Adidas kicking off their “Lace Up” reality show on YouTube Red featuring eight designers competing to have their shoe made for real!
It’s time for Nike to “Attack Everything!”
Sep 6, 2017 | City
Portlanders are sports fanatics. Whether you’re looking for hoops action, football (that’s soccer to us American types), baseball, or even ice hockey, Portland’s got a team for you. Portlanders aren’t just fanatics for sports, though, we want to help wherever we can, and our professional teams are no different.
The Trail Blazers, Timbers, Thorns FC, Winterhawks, and Hillsboro Hops recently announced they’re combining efforts to provide disaster relief in Oregon and throughout the country.
Aug 23, 2017 | People
Portlanders take running very seriously. Just wander the streets of any of Portland’s five (yes, five) quadrants, and you’ll come across runners everywhere. So, when Energy Events cancelled its Vancouver USA Marathon, you can bet Portlanders won’t take such action lying down.
Jun 29, 2014 | People
I’m a 37-year-old guy who’s worked out at least six days a week ever since I was 28 years old. I take vitamins supplements every day, go to my doctor for physicals, I don’t smoke – I thought I was healthy.