Portlanders are fanatics for hybrid and electric cars (and motorcycles).

Portlanders are fanatics for hybrid and electric cars (and motorcycles).

Ford announced that Portland will be one of the launch cities for the new all-electric model of their Focus later this year. This makes sense, Portlanders love all things hybrid and electric. Heck, you can even pick up an electric sportbike from Brammo down the street in Ashland.

At first, we were excited – electric cars use no gas, right? However, we’d also heard that since coal-based electricity systems have a huge negative impact on the environment, a lot of electric cars’ benefits are burned out. It made us wonder: why do we see so many environment-loving Portlanders driving electric and hybrid cars?


Portland is miserable… on paper.

Portland is miserable… on paper.

Portlanders aren’t miserable. Our city truly offers the best of everything. So, it struck us as odd when the Wall Street Journal came out this morning with a survey that showed Portland was the second-most miserable city in the U.S.


Portland loves bicycles.

Portland loves bicycles.

Portland loves bicycles… and it shows. A recent research report prepared for the Department of Transportation, Bicycling Trends and Policies in Large North American Cities, revealed that Portland hits first place among nine different cities in North America (U.S. and Canada).


It’s hard to be a brooding college student if you can’t smoke.

Recently, Portland Community College banned smoking of any kind on its campuses. The problem? Attaining the image of a brooding emo kid deep in thought is much easier to pull off with gentle clouds of lusty lady tobacco softly puffing from the end of the cowboy killer delicately placed between your lips. If you can’t smoke on campus, why not stroll to one of the nearby residential areas right off campus?
