Is Portland sexy enough to seduce Amazon into building their second headquarters here?

Is Portland sexy enough to seduce Amazon into building their second headquarters here?

Amazon announced Thursday, September 7, 2017 that they intend to build a second headquarters outside of Seattle to the tune of $5 billion and adding up to 50,000 new jobs.

Like a hot new debutante on ABC’s The Bachelorette, Amazon laid out some ground rules and told all prospective cities to duke it out for her honor.

And, yes, Portland is a suitor trying to steal Amazon’s heart.


Portland’s sports teams show what good sports they are by fundraising for hurricane and wildfire support!

Portland’s sports teams show what good sports they are by fundraising for hurricane and wildfire support!

Portlanders are sports fanatics. Whether you’re looking for hoops action, football (that’s soccer to us American types), baseball, or even ice hockey, Portland’s got a team for you. Portlanders aren’t just fanatics for sports, though, we want to help wherever we can, and our professional teams are no different.

The Trail Blazers, Timbers, Thorns FC, Winterhawks, and Hillsboro Hops recently announced they’re combining efforts to provide disaster relief in Oregon and throughout the country.
