Aug 16, 2017 | Events
Portland is weird. This is nothing new.
We’re both anti-consumerist and one of the most trend-setting (and trend-adopting) cities in the country, if not the world.
We have an attention-seeking population the size of a small country, willing to perform the most inane human party tricks just to have someone look at them (ever seen our unicycle-riding Star Wars-loving bagpipe player?).
So, when American Idol announced its surprisingly-early return this fall (the gods rewarded us with its cancellation a season ago, but, what the gods giveth, they also taketh away), we suppose we shouldn’t be surprised that Portland is the kickoff audition city on Thursday, August 17, 2017.
Apr 20, 2011 | Food
Have you seen the Travel Channel’s Man v. Food? The host, Adam, eats everything imaginable, and in his recent video post, he sets his sights on Portland. Both Cooking Light magazine and Man v. Food love Portland’s amazing repertoire of restaurants and eateries.
Not familiar with the Travel Channel’s Man v. Food? This guy goes up against the biggest meals you can imagine in a desperate attempt to… well… actually, we have no idea what he’s trying to prove. It’s one of those “car crash shows” where you can’t turn away because it’s so horrible to imagine you have to keep watching.
Apr 14, 2011 | Events
In 2004, a bunch of comic creators (writers, artists, pencilers, colorists) got together to make a comic book show that focused on the creators instead of the publishers and distributors. Don’t get us wrong – we’re fans of the major Comicons all over the country, but this would be a show by the creators, for the creators. Naturally, since it would be based in Portland, the show’s name would have to do something with Portland, and, thus, Stumptown Comics Fest was born.
Mar 18, 2011 | City
You knew it. We knew it. Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein knew it. Portlandia is not an accurate portrayal of Portland. So, why was it that when a recent poll revealed that Portland residents care about topics like the economy, people were shocked?