Portland loves its coffee. From Boyd Coffee Company and Stumptown Coffee Roasters to Starbucks and Tully’s and everything in-between, you better not get between a Stumptowner and their cup of joe lest you want to endure limitless angry, whiny hipster wrath (and that’s just in our offices)!

But, with nearly 3,000 coffee shops in the metro area to pick from (Holy java! That’s a lot of black tar!), which ones are Portlanders’ favorites and who has the best brew?

In true Portland fashion, the Portland Business Journal is launching a week-long series combing through the beans of their most recent survey to discuss which coffee houses have the best coffee, which ones are the best to retire/work at remotely, which ones are the best for business meetings, and which ones are Portland’s all-time favorites.

For us, we’re all about the best-tasting coffee over all else which is why we’re skipping ahead to reveal the results of the top 10 perfect pots of Portland perkiness (click the links to be taken to each shop’s website):

Interested in the rest of PBJ’s series on coffee? Check out their top ten best-tasting cups and other stories by visiting this link.

Do you have a caffeine headache over the results? Spill your beans in the comments!


Source: Portland’s favorite coffee: The 10 best-tasting cups of joe – Portland Business Journal