When news came out today that the ever-popular, property-value-setting, super-gourmet New Seasons Market decided to open a location in Portland’s nearest Washingtonian metropolis, Vancouver, it made us think fondly on all of Portland’s neighboring cities, towns and suburbs.
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There are many more than the few we mentioned here, but the biggest of Portland’s neighbors is the one across the river, Vancouver, Washington, and it has a large number of nifty nicknames: the ‘couve, Vantucky, Vancouver USA, mini-Portland, Couvegas (ok, we made that last one up) and many, many more.
Given how popular Portland has become over the last few decades, is it any wonder that people want to move here from all over and find themselves unable to live within Portland proper? Finding quality, affordable housing within the city limits isn’t easy – in fact, to many, “affordable” and “downtown Portland” creates an oxymoron.
Plus, Portland’s suburbs have a lot to offer. Check out 365 Things To Do In Vancouver, Washington if you don’t believe us!
So, in thanks and appreciation to Portland’s many neighbors, let’s all raise our cup of coffee (or whatever you’re drinking) in gratitude.
Feel free to mention your favorite suburb (and why, if you please) in the comments!